It's a comfort to know that someone else does the counting-to-trick-the-brain thing while running. I've always felt negotiating myself through each second of exercise brings a calming sense of control, so I appreciate reading your thought process.
And I'm glad the idiots are sort-of getting along! <3
I'm really glad to hear how your life is going, Cassandra. I hope that in time, the running will feel less like a chore or an endurance test and more like a pleasure or a chance to unwind and let your mind float. (It takes a while, I can tell you that! :) )
It's a comfort to know that someone else does the counting-to-trick-the-brain thing while running. I've always felt negotiating myself through each second of exercise brings a calming sense of control, so I appreciate reading your thought process.
And I'm glad the idiots are sort-of getting along! <3
The book is very much pre-ordered!
I'm really glad to hear how your life is going, Cassandra. I hope that in time, the running will feel less like a chore or an endurance test and more like a pleasure or a chance to unwind and let your mind float. (It takes a while, I can tell you that! :) )
Take care of yourself.
Huzzah for better living through Chemistry!
Remember, if you can't make your own neurotransmitters, store-bought is fine. <3
And thank you for the Feline Overlord Tax. ^_^
(Your comments always make me smile, by the by XD)
Thanks for sharing